v2 reports offer a lot of flexibility with which reports you are able to pull. They are customizable in that you can pull whichever report you need, and they are downloaded in a very short amount of time.
API documentation for v2 reports can be found here.
First, navigate to the portal, and click the 'Reports' tab. This can only be accessed by admins and owners of the account.
Click each report type to set filters and run the report.
Click on the headings to see what information each report pulls, or scroll through the entire article.
Account Reports
Usage Total
Users Total
Numbers Total
FMC Total
Expanded Reporting
Accounts Total
Accounts by Accounts
Usage by Account
Users by Account
Numbers by Account
FMC by account
Subaccount Custom Plans Report
To create comparable data to the v1 Billing report, run the following reports:
Usage Total
Accounts Total
Users Total
Numbers Total
FMC Total
To create comparable data to the v1 Summary report, run the following reports:
Usage Total (for your direct account)
Usage By Account (for any subaccounts/departments)
Account Reports
These reports are for your immediate account. If you have subaccounts or departments, reports for these can be created in the 'Expanded Reporting' section.
If you enable the toggle 'Include descendant accounts', this will include subaccount/department totals with yours in one line item. To get a break down of each subaccount/department, use 'Expanded Reporting'.
Usage Total
This shows the total amount of fax usage on your account.
Usage type parameters:
All: all inbound and outbound usage
Inbound: all inbound usage
Outbound: all outbound usage
FMC outbound: all outbound usage sent from an FMC
FMC inbound: all inbound usage sent to an FMC
Forwarded: all inbound usage to SIP forwarded numbers
Report line items:
accountId: unique ID of your account
accountName: account name that's set in the portal
accountType: your account type
total: total amount of faxes sent/received
pages: total amount of pages sent/received including failed pages
pagesComplete: all successful pages sent/received
duration: amount of milliseconds spent on faxes
Users Total
This shows the total number of users on your account.
Report line items:
accountId: unique ID of your account
accountName: account name that's set in the portal
accountType: your account type
total: total amount of users on your account
roleOwner: how many owner roles on your account
roleAdmin: how many admin roles on your account
roleSupport: how many support roles on your account
roleUser: how many user roles on your account
Numbers Total
This shows the total number of fax numbers on your account.
Report line items:
accountId: unique ID of your account
accountName: account name that's set in the portal
accountType: your account type
total: total amount of fax numbers on your account
totalForwarded: total amount of fax numbers on your account that are SIP forwarded
FMC Total
This shows the total number of FMCs (FaxBridges and Audiocodes devices) on your account.
Report line items:
accountId: unique ID of your account
accountName: account name that's set in the portal
accountType: your account type
total: total amount of FMC's on your account
totalActive: total amount of FMC's on your account that have been activated
Expanded Reporting
These reports are for your subaccounts and departments. Each report will show the information for all your subaccounts or departments.
Accounts Total
This shows the total amount of subaccounts or departments in your account.
Report line items:
accountId: unique ID of subaccounts/departments
accountName: subaccount/department name that's set in the portal
accountType: account type
total: total amount of subaccounts/departments
Subaccount Totals by Child Reseller
This shows the amount of subaccounts each child reseller account has.
Report line items:
accountId: unique ID of subaccounts/departments
accountName: subaccount/department name that's set in the portal
accountType: account type
total: total amount of subaccounts child resellers have
Usage By Account
This shows the amount of usage broken down by each subaccount/department.
Report line items:
accountId: unique ID of subaccount/department
accountName: subaccount/department name that's set in the portal
accountType: account type
total: total amount of faxes sent/received
pages: total amount of pages sent/received including failed pages
pagesComplete: all successful pages sent/received
duration: amount of milliseconds spent on sending faxes
Users By Account
This shows the total number of users in each subaccount/department.
Report line items:
accountId: unique ID of your account
accountName: account name that's set in the portal
accountType: account type
total: total amount of users on your account
roleOwner: how many owner roles on your account
roleAdmin: how many admin roles on your account
roleSupport: how many support roles on your account
roleUser: how many user roles on your account
Numbers By Account
This is the total amount of fax numbers on each subaccount/department.
Report line items:
accountId: unique ID of subaccounts/departments
accountName: subaccount/department name that's set in the portal
accountType: account type
total: total amount of fax numbers on your account
totalForwarded: total amount of fax numbers on your account that are SIP forwarded
FMC By Account
This shows the total number of FMC devices on each subaccount/department.
Report line items:
accountId: unique ID of subaccount or department
accountName: subaccount/department name that's set in the portal
accountType: account type
total: total amount of FMC's for your subaccounts/departments
totalActive: total amount of your subaccounts/departments FMC's that have been activated
Subaccount Custom Plans Reports
This shows a list of subaccounts/departments with the limit plans assigned to those accounts.
Report line items:
accountId: unique ID of subaccount or department
accountName: subaccount/department name that's set in the portal
accountType: account type
planId: unique ID of the selected plan
planName: name of the plan given in the plan's section of the portal
planRenewal: day of the month the plan renews, values will be 1-30
NOTE: v1 reporting uses the 'resolved at' date/time to measure faxes, and v2 reporting uses the 'created at' date/time to measure faxes, so you may see a small discrepancy between the two.
NOTE: Billing reports are currently deprecated, and will no longer be available on November 1, 2024. Please use v2 reports for billing purposes.
If you would like to set up recurring reports, visit this article.
If you have any other questions, please reach out to support@documo.com.