This article will give you all the details to successfully port your numbers to our carrier. Feel free to scroll through the article, or click on the headlines to learn more about that section. You can also click here to learn how to submit a port request in the web portal.
Porting Restrictions
Getting a CSR
Prepping your numbers
How to fill out an LOA
Common Exceptions
Porting Out
Porting FAQ's
NOTE: After your number has ported, you will need to change your caller ID to your ported number before releasing the provided number. Learn how to change your caller ID here.
Porting Restrictions
There are no restrictions on porting numbers into Fax.
Please check with your current provider's policy on porting out. Some carriers are easier to work with than others and we have no control on whether a carrier will release a number to us.
Please note that although we have no restrictions, not every number is FoIP (fax over IP) compatible. A small percentage of numbers cannot be ported on an IP circuit. You can always contact us to check on number compatibility.
We also do not have restrictions on porting numbers out. However, we ask that you do not ask to port out numbers that have been in use for less than 90 days (this does not apply to numbers that you have ported in).
Getting a CSR
What is a CSR?
A customer service record (CSR) is a copy of how your telephone records appear in the telephone company’s database. It contains information about each separate line charge (i.e. type of service, federal access charge, number portability charge, calling blocks on the line, 911 charge, etc.) that encompasses your monthly service charge on your bill.
Additionally, a CSR reveals the service location of the account, the billing address, additional directory listings, features that are being charged, calling plans that may include monthly charges, and taxes applied to each of the items on the record.
CSR and Porting
The information on your CSR is important for the porting process. When you initiate a port out request, your current carrier will match some of the information contained in the request with what they have on file in the CSR. If enough pieces of data match they will allow the numbers to be ported away.
Carriers have their own rules around what data is required for a match. Generally speaking they match the following:
- The name of the business on the account
- The zip or postal code of the service address (this is often not the same as the billing address)
- The account number or the BTN/ATN of the account
Having your CSR handy before starting the porting process is a great way to speed up the porting process. Most delays in porting are caused by submitting incorrect data when initiating the porting process.
In some rare cases, we can obtain a CSR for you. Carriers are not obligated to release these to other carriers. It's always best that you obtain one directly from your current carrier.
How To Request and Obtain Your CSR
Call the customer service number for your carrier. If possible, ask to speak with someone in the porting department. Clearly state to them that you would like a copy of your CSR.
Have the CSR sent over to you via email to ensure all the details have been covered. Once you have your CSR, use the data provided to complete your LOA.
Prepping your numbers to port to Documo's carrier
To minimize the time it takes to port your numbers to our carrier, please ensure the following has been tended to prior to beginning the porting process:
- There are no active port requests for other numbers on the same account to other carriers
- The correct RESPORG ID is on the LOA if using your own template
- All numbers have been released to be portable if applicable
- All numbers being ported are on an active account
- Add the correct PIN to the LOA if applicable
NOTE: If your number is showing as not portable in the web portal, please reach out to our porting team.
How to fill out an LOA
Please find below what to enter for each field on the LOA:
Account or Company Name: This is the name of the end-user account or company name on record with the losing carrier
Address Fields: This is the service address on file for the numbers to be ported (not the billing address, unless they are the same)
Carrier Name: This is the current carrier's name
Billing Telephone Number (BTN): This is the billing telephone number on record with the losing carrier
Numbers to be ported: These are the numbers that will be ported to our carrier. For a large amount of numbers, please put them on a spreadsheet in one column
Authorized signature: This requires the signature of the authorized person on the account
Print Name: The authorized person's printed name
Date: The date that the LOA was signed
Click here to download the LOA.
Common Exceptions
If your port request is rejected, this is called an exception. If you receive an exception, you will need to provide additional information to our porting team to continue with porting your numbers. These are common during the porting process, however they do lengthen the time that it takes to port your numbers. Please find common exceptions below and what they mean.
All information mismatch: This means that the information on your LOA does not match what the losing carrier has on file. Obtaining a CSR from the losing carrier is a good way to cross check the information on the LOA.
RESPORG ID: When using our provided LOA, this information is added for you. If you are porting toll free numbers and using your own LOA, please make sure "For TFs release to RESPORG ID: QIT02" is listed on your LOA. Typically this will go on the top right corner of the LOA.
Missing PIN: This means that there is a PIN listed with the losing carrier that was not provided. Please check with the losing carrier to determine the PIN listed on your account.
Pending Port with the losing carrier: This means that one or more numbers on your account currently have a pending port request to a different carrier. You are unable to port two numbers on the same account to different providers. You will need to either cancel all current pending port requests on your account, or wait for the other numbers to port in order to continue with porting your numbers to our carrier.
Incorrect BTN: This means that the billing telephone number on your account does not match what is on the LOA. Please check with the losing carrier or obtain a CSR from them to match the information.
Unauthorized end user: This means that the person who signed the LOA is not authorized to complete the port request. You will need the authorized user on the account with your losing carrier to sign the LOA.
NOTE: If you do receive an exception on your port request, reach out to our porting team with the sr number of the port request and the corrected information. They will then submit this to our carrier.
Porting Out
If you have to port a number out from Documo's carrier, here's important information to know:
- You will begin the port in process with the gaining carrier
- Our carrier does not provide CSR's, PINs, or any form of documentation when porting a number out
- Any information can be used to initiate a port in request with the gaining carrier. Our carrier will not reject a port out because of information mismatch
- Once the port out notification is received, it can be approved or rejected directly in the Documo web portal
- Once the number has been ported out, it will be removed from our system and our carrier's system
- If the port out is not approved or rejected within 48 hours, it will automatically be approved by our carrier
Porting FAQ's
Q: What is number porting?
A: Number porting is the process of moving a number from one service provider to another.
Q: What type of information will you need in order to port my number?
A: The first thing you will need to provide is a letter of authorization (LOA). Download the attachment at the bottom of the article.
In order to fill out this form you will need the following information:
- Company Name
- Current service address (as it is listed with your current carrier)
- Current service provider
- Number(s) to port
- Billing Telephone Number (BTN) - This is the main billing number on your account that all of your numbers may be listed under. Please note that it is possible to have several different BTN's depending on how your account is set up.
- Printed name and signature of an authorized person on your account
All of the information needed for filling out the LOA can be supplied by your current service provider by requesting a Customer Service Record (CSR - customer service record).
In addition to the LOA, you will also need to submit a copy of your most recent bill (or preferably CSR) from your current service provider. If submitting a bill, it must be no older than 30 days.
Q: What type of numbers can I port?
A: You can port any local number, even wireless, as long as we have coverage for that particular rate center and it is eligible for porting. You can also port your toll free numbers.
Q: Is there a charge for porting?
A: Yes, there is a one-time charge of $15 per number.
Q: How long does the porting process take?
A: On average porting requests take 7-14 days to complete, however, it can take up to 30 days. Please keep in mind any type of change or rejection can delay the process. This is why it is so important to verify the letter of authorization (LOA) information prior to submitting your request.
Note: The firm order commitment date (FOC) is determined by the losing service provider (LSP).
Q: What happens behind the scenes while my number is being ported?
A: After verifying your order, our processor will submit your port request with the information you provided on the letter of authorization (LOA). If the request is accepted you will be issued an FOC date. If it is rejected, you will be provided with instructions on how to resolve the issue.
Note: Issuing of an FOC date does not guarantee the port request will complete. The port can be rejected anytime up to and including that date if an issue is uncovered.
Once we have received a firm order commitment (FOC) date, you will again be notified via email. Please keep in mind any changes made to a port request can extend the FOC date.
Q: What happens if my port request gets rejected?
A: In the event that we receive a rejection from the LSP, you will be notified via email and we will provide you with instructions on how to resolve the issue.
Q: How can I expedite my port request?
A: Unfortunately, it is very hard for us to expedite a port request. This is because we have no control over the firm order commitment (FOC) date. This date is given by the losing service provider (LSP) and the FCC mandates we can not port a number unless the LSP gives us permission.
However, if you provide us the following information we will do everything we can to expedite the process from our side.
- Your current phone provider has to agree to let us port the number earlier than their standard interval.
- You would need to provide us the name, direct telephone number, and email address of someone that works in the porting department and has the authority to push the port through.
- As long as you can provide us with the above information, we will be able to contact your current provider and attempt to expedite your port request.
Q: Will I experience any downtime while my numbers are porting?
A: On the day of the port, your numbers will cut over and move to our circuit. The actual porting time only takes a few minutes. You should not experience any downtime.
Q: When/How will I know my number has ported?
A: After your number has completed porting on the specified date and time, the status will show as 'ported' in the web portal. You can navigate to Numbers < Porting < Port-ins to view the status of your numbers.
Q: What are all of these acronyms: LOA, FOC, BTN, LSP, CSR, LSR?
A: LOA - Letter of Authorization. This is the form you will need to fill out when porting your number. This form gives us permission to request, on your behalf, to port your number to a different provider. You can download this form at the bottom of this article.
FOC - Firm Order Commitment. This is the date that is issued by the Losing Service Provider (LSP) as to when a phone provider can port a number. This date can only be issued by the LSP. The gaining phone provider has no control over what date is issued.
BTN - Billing Telephone Number. This is the main telephone number listed on your account. Depending on what type of account you have, you could have just one BTN or you could have several. When porting numbers you want to be sure to ask your current phone provider what the BTN(s) is/are for the number you wish to port.
LSP - Losing Service Provider. This is the service provider that your number is being ported away from.
CSR - Customer Service Record. Every carrier has a record that houses your number, address, and billing telephone number. This is the record that is used to verify your information during the porting process. Please note the information listed on the CSR may not be the same information listed on the billing portion of your account.
LSR - Local Service Request. This is the actual part of the order that the Losing Service Provider (LSP) will receive from the gaining service provider. All of the information on this part of the order must match the LSP's CSR in order for them to issue an FOC date.
Q: What information do I need to port a number out from Documo?
A: Documo does not provide a CSR or any other documentation for porting out a number. The user can use any information to initiate a port out request with the gaining carrier. When the request reaches our carrier, the end user will get an email notifying of the port out and this can be approved/rejected in the web portal under the port out section.
If you have any other questions, please reach out to
LOA form: